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Hammocks, Tubes, Jewelry Memory Charms,

Bonding Bags, and much more....

The books are live on Amazon!!!
ebook and paperback formats
Scabber's Miracle
An Unexpected Hero
Valley of the Bones (dog story)

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Mary D Jarman Karr

Don't forget to check out the non-rattie items too!

Check out our Memory Charms!

They are charms of your pocket pets' actual paw print taken from the clay mold taken of your own pet's feet. It can be made as a charm for a necklace or a bracelet. They are 99% Sterling Silver.

If you weren't able to get a paw print of your loved one there are pre-made charms you could have represent your beloved Rat or Hamster.


If you do not have a clay imprint of your rat's paw because your rat is still alive, you can purchase a kit to have on hand. It comes with enough clay for two imprints, a tin for protection when mailing back and instruction. It is easiest to do the imprint after they pass away as you will have to press somewhat hart for the best impression. Choose the best impression and keep the other one. The clay is still mold-able to do over and over until you get the impressions you like. We will make the sterling silver charm and mail back to you the clay impression and the charm.

You may see us use stuffed ratties in our product images. They are so realistic, aren't they? We do not make them but a great small business does -
Citrine Mouse.
You can find them at

Our Pocket Pets' Choice 

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